Friday, June 20, 2008

500 miles later...

I am neither dead, nor am I in Iraq. It is much worse. I'm in Philadelphia.

Joking of course. Philadelphia is not that bad once you get used to it. I rather like my little apartment here in West Philadelphia (born and raised...). The biggest adjustment is the number of people I come into contact with daily. To put it simply, I see more people by driving to work in the morning than live in Richmond County. I also see more people who need to fall on something sharp and rusty. Being a dick is taken to an art form. Here is a good example: The last time I saw someone hold a door for any person was when a cripple in a wheel chair got stuck in a door because the person in front of him let it slam shut and the chair kept it open. I think it's the lack of sweet tea. Honestly. I'm not saying everyone here is a rude moron. I have met plenty of nice, intelligent people, but I think for each one there have been ten people who need to be removed from the gene pool.

It is certainly far from being all bad. There are many advantages. A big one is since I live with Christina, I have someone to finally stop me from all my crazy ideas. If not for her, I swear to God there would be some kind of projectile launcher built in the parking lot. Apparently, the police here frown on golf balls and batteries being fired 300 yards in a crowded city. Pussies.

I will try to post regularly, so comment on my posts and maybe I will bring you a cheese steak. I real one. Not that one you put in the microwave.

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